How do you apply KraveBeauty Kale-Lalu-yAHA?

The Swiper
Using cotton pads to apply Kale-Lalu-yAHA can also take away the build-ups such as excess oil on the skin. You're also gently exfoliating the skin manually as well as getting the full benefits of using an AHA.
Tip: never be aggressive while swiping! Gentle swipe can still do its magic.
The Patter
Patting in with your hands = more absorption = instant hydration & getting the most out of AHA. This method is for those who are more comfortable with AHA already as it increases the efficacy of the product by absorbing more product into the skin.
Tip: We don't recommend you to apply this to open wounds such as popped pimples.
The Mixer
This is a method where you mix the Kale-Lalu-yAHA into your serums or moisturizer. This is a great method for beginners or sensitive skin as the DIY concoction creates a cushiony buffer interfering with the AHA fully absorbing or functioning. This doesn't mean that you're compromising the efficacy by tons, but it's a good way when you're introducing an acid for the first time into your routine :)
Want to know if you can use Kale-Lalu-yAHA with your skin conditions? Click here to find out more.