Using AHA in the Summer

Our skin feels much more congested in this hot and humid weather so all of us at KraveBeauty have been loving our Kale-Lalu-yAHA to decongest and exfoliate the stress away!
But let's be mindful when using higher percentages of AHA in summer. AHA works by revealing a more youthful skin layer to the sun and you definitely don't want to damage this fresh, healthy skin by exposing it to direct sunlight.
The solution is simple. Be more diligent about applying your favorite sunscreen. Apply a generous amount and make sure to re-apply it to ensure a solid UV protection. If you're going on a beach holiday where you know that you're going to be exposed to the sun for the majority of the day, maybe skip your AHA and just enjoy the vacation.
*this skin tip applies to all retinol users too! And others who just got a chemical peel, laser treatment, etc.