Height of Summer: Post-Sun, Beach, & Travel Care

Can’t believe summer is already starting to wind down! 😭
Summer is the perfect opportunity for all of us to escape from our routine - whether it’s going to the beach, going on vacation, or spending our days relaxing, we all love a nice break.
But let’s keep in mind that deviation from our routine can be one of the biggest enemies for our skin! This post is for all of you who had a little too much fun in the sun and now your skin is feeling the effects of those extra sugary drinks while laying out. It is time to get your skin back in shape before you have to face the harsh realities of Fall!
We know that glow you came back post-trip was everyone’s envy, but lurking beneath could be sun damage that may take years to show its full effects. Overexposure to sun can lead to many problems. The most immediate effect is the significant increase in water loss, which will make your skin look less plump. In addition to that, the UV from the sun stimulates your collagen breakdown machines called MMPs, which cause your skin to lose support from within which makes it take even longer to get it back to its original state.
If you were at the beach and have been swimming in the ocean, the sand and salt in the water can be abrasive and sensitizing to your skin, especially if you didn’t rinse it off immediately after. Being in the water also washes off your sunscreen which continues to adds to the sun damage.
Let’s say you went on a trip, and you weren’t even in the sun that much! Unfortunately, the trip is still a stressful time for your skin. When your skin is exposed to new environments, it has to adjust to an all-new set of environmental conditions and pollutants. If you forgot to or didn’t want to go through the trouble of packing all your bodywashes and lotions from home, you were probably using a new product that was provided by your lodging, or bought at a local drugstore. Any time you use a new product, your skin takes time to adjust! That’s why people often come back from trips with bumps or rashes, even though they feel like they haven’t done anything wrong.
Luckily, we’ve put together a list of things you can do to help your skin recover:
1. Do we even have to say it – Hydrate!
Replenish the lost water by drinking more of it. You can also help your skin topically by adding humectants and water-loving ingredients. Glycerin, sodium pca, hyaluronic acid, urea, etc. are all great choices. Have you given the normal saline solution mask a try?
2. Soothe the skin
Your skin can be irritated by many different things. Ingredients that help calm inflammation include: aloe, oats, or centella.
You can make a cheap and easy soothing mask by soaking ground (non-instant!) oats in water for several hours, then applying the water (a cotton pad will help!) to your skin. Keeping the mixture in the fridge while it soaks is a nice way to make a cooling mask, just make sure it’s not too cold!
3. Grab your nearest antioxidant
Being in the sun depletes your antioxidants, and you need them more than ever so that you can repair the damage done to your skin. As we mentioned in a previous blogpost - mung beans, green tea, Vitamin C and E are all great topicals. We can't overlook the importance of antioxidants in your diet!
4. Pleeeeease be gentle
Did you know that UV exposure can lower your skin immunity? During this time, your skin is especially vulnerable to anything that’s harmful or unfamiliar. Here’s how to help your skin while it’s healing: