Kale-Lalu-yAHA Pop Quiz!

Can I use Kale-Lalu-yAHA if:
There are so many benefits associated with regular exfoliation
AHA is like that divorce lawyer that finally forces you and your dead skin cells to break up for good while also aiding in the absorption of your expensive skincare products, thanks Kale-Lalu-yAHA! 😉😘
BUT, if you suffer from severe rosacea and eczema, chances are your skin barrier is damaged and our little green potion might be too strong (despite how gentle it may be for healthy skin). If you are suffering from these skin conditions, shift your priority to restoring the skin barrier rather than sloughing off the dead skin cells. #PressReset and go back to the basics by avoiding aggressive active ingredients.
Wherever you are in your skin journey, remember to listen to what it craves 💚
Want to know the different ways to apply Kale-lalu-yAHA? Read on here.