It's time to #PressReset

Have you ever felt lost with skincare?

There is so much information to digest and so much to apply - literally. You’re constantly being told to buy this new miracle cream or to try that new all-in-one mask. You've been told your skin needs all these A to Z in skincare. You just don’t know what to do, or where to even start.

We feel you.

We empower people to believe in the skin they have, not the skin the beauty industry tells them to have. We’re for people who want skincare without the confusion.


We’re a skincare company that sells a cleanser while telling you to cleanse less. Our mission is to challenge the fast-paced beauty industry to slow down and help people to #PressReset on the way they look at skincare.

A bit more about us? We’re a brand created by beauty influencer Liah Yoo and a team of people who’s “been there, done that”. Everyone in the team had their moment of wanting to pull their hair out because skincare became so complicated—until they pressed reset.

We dream big. We’re here to #PressReset on the conventions of skincare, and help people get in tune with their skin’s cravings. When the industry zigs, we zag. When others tell everyone to apply more, we’re here to shout that our skin is smart.


Liah Yoo is a beauty influencer known for sharing skincare tips that empower her viewers with knowledge coupled with the experience she gained while working at Korea's largest beauty company, AmorePacific. She has an international social media reach of over 1.5 million followers and built her credibility by helping hundreds of people achieve clearer and healthier skin by sharing her unconventional acne-fighting tips based on her own skincare journey.



Heyo, it's Liah!

Once upon a time, I was where you are: feeling overwhelmed by every new trend, product, or gimmick and feeling lost in the world of skincare. I was constantly buying new products to fix skin issues caused by old products I was using. 

My skin was sensitized, exhausted, and unhealthy. It was time to #PressReset. Tune out the noise of the “skincare world” and tune in into my skin instead, and everything changed. That's why I founded KraveBeauty. I wanted to spread this liberating moment with YOU to help #PressReset on your skincare journey.

  • We’re not selling products for the sake of selling products.
  • We’re not the right products for everyone and we don’t pretend we are.
  • We’re not a “super fast fix!” for “amazing instant results!”
  • We’re not 20 products at once.
  • We’re not here to make you feel like your skin should be “perfect” or that your concerns make make you less than.

KraveBeauty is for the people who want to love their skin more than their skincare. Luckily, our KB fam is full of people who’ve been-there-done-that and people who are still growing, so we know how you’re feeling. Don’t be afraid to reach out, whether on IG or in an email, we’ll support you in any way we can.

We're in this together :)