Earn 5% KraveBeauty Store Credit
When You Pay With Catch

We’ve partnered with Catch to offer you store credit on every purchase when you pay by bank.

How It Works

Select Catch at checkout to pay securely from your bank – kind of like Venmo

Earn 5% back in KraveBeauty store credit

Apply it to your next order, or gift it to a friend

Got questions? We’ve got answers

About Catch

Catch was founded in 2020 by some people in San Francisco who wondered why we all use credit cards when there’s a better alternative for everyone (except the credit card companies). Our team hails from companies like Affirm, Google, Apple, and LinkedIn. Some of our biggest fans are KraveBeauty (obviously) and the founders of Warby Parker, Allbirds, Harry’s, DoorDash and Casper. And now we hope to add you to that list!