Who Are We

It’s time to #PressReset.

Have you ever felt lost with skincare?

There is so much information to digest and so much to apply - literally. And you don’t know where to start.

We feel you.

Skincare should be as easy and as intuitive as feeding your body what it’s craving. Skincare should be fun and a form of self-care, not something that causes you to stress to breakout even more!
That’s where we come in. We want to help you #PressReset on your current skincare routine and uncomplicate the industry by providing you with the bare essentials and teaching you to listen to your skin’s true cravings.
KraveBeauty was founded by beauty influencer, Liah Yoo, to fight the ineffective yet conventional skincare routine that has carelessly trained us to apply more than what our skin actually needs. We create skincare products that work with your skin, not against it.


Meet our founder, Liah Yoo

Liah Yoo is a beauty influencer known for sharing skincare tips with the knowledge and experience she gained while working at Korea's largest beauty company, AmorePacific. She has an international social media reach of over 700,000 followers and built her credibility by helping hundreds of other people to clearer and healthier skin by sharing her unconventional acne-fighting tips based on her own skincare journey.

Heyo, it's Liah!

The struggle is real. Since the start of my YouTube channel, I've realized so many of us had become so lost in the world of skincare.

Do I really need a toner? Should I start anti-aging now? What’s the difference between a serum and an ampoule? When should I apply essence? Is silicone toxic? Can I mix this and that? Should we pat or swipe?

It really made me question, ‘When did something so simple become so complicated?’. That’s when it hit me – there’s just too much!

Too much advice, too many products, too many trends that all take away the joy of skincare. It has trained us to ignore what our skin is saying and keep buying products that leave our skin inflamed and sensitized. The over-promising claims make us believe that skincare is a game has trained us to indulge in that instant gratification instead of truly nourishing our skin from within.

This is why I want us all to #PressReset. There’s no magic fix that you can find on store shelves, healthy skin starts with simply respecting your skin. Trust me, I had pretty bad acne for years and was abusing my skin with harsh acne treatments. It wasn’t until I ‘pressed reset’ on my skincare routine and lived a lifestyle that improved my overall skin health before my skin finally cleared up!

Please listen to your skin and love it with everything you have. I’m here to guide your way through your skincare journey to ensure that it is less daunting and bring the glow back to your complexion.

So - are you ready to #PressReset with us?




Three reasons to join the #PressReset movement.

Because you tried everything

And it’s left you feeling helpless. You’ve lost trust in all products and to make matters worse, you’re ready to give up on your skin. This is why you need to #PressReset. Simplify your routine and tune into what your skin is craving. We’re here to help.


Because you know less is more

Your skin is incredibly smart. It knows how to regenerate new skin when you get a papercut. It knows how to produce oil to naturally moisturize the skin when it’s dehydrated. Mindblown? Your skin doesn’t need a lot! Skincare products should be a supplement to replenish what it lacks and keep it protected.


Because you know we’re bloody transparent

Confession! We care about you. We really do. Many brands create products that sell rather than products that consider your skin’s health, but that’s not our DNA. With us, you will learn how to pay attention to your skin and identify when you need each product based on your skin’s current condition. We’re transparent because both you and your skin deserve the best.