Why Your Acne Products Aren't Working

Why Your Acne Products Aren't Working

Have you been using your acne products for over a year with no results? Are you still getting new pimples? We are going to help you dissect why your current acne treatment methods aren’t working for you.

#1 You’re using products that are heavily alcohol based or oil-free

The skincare industry has led those of us with oily acne prone skin to believe that we need to strip all the oil from our skin in order to prevent future breakouts. Truth is by achieving that “squeaky clean” feeling, we are stripping our skin from all its natural oils causing it to produce more sebum to prevent dehydration. So while heavier oils can possibly clog pore, a lot of lighter oils that are high in linoleic acid content can be beneficial to oily and even acne-prone skin.

Oil can help:
1. Prevent acne from dehydration
2. Regulate excess sebum production
3. Heal acne (ex. hemp seed oil, rosehip seed oil, squalane oil)


#2 All of your products have the word “Acne” in the title

The majority of conventional acne fighting products work by excessively drying out your pimples which can help mask the problem temporarily, however it isn’t a cure to treat the acne. In fact, many of acne-prone skin users use these drying products on their entire face which can leave the skin dehydrated and prone to even more outbreaks.

Solution: Acne spot treatments are much more effective when you’re trying to get rid of that stubborn pimple and can be a quick-fix solution, especially if you have an important event the next day. Just remember that these types of treatments only provide a short term solution to an underlying issue.

#3 You are overwashing your face

Having acne does not mean that your skin is “dirty” and washing your skin several times a day is not going to improve your breakouts. In fact, it compromises your skin barrier and makes your skin more sensitive. You might think that you are washing away the bad bacteria but in reality you are also washing away the good bacteria which helps you maintain healthy skin.

Solution: Try skipping your morning cleanse, doing this may seem counterintuitive, but it helps prevent acne by keeping the skin barrier intact thus regulating sebum production. Just splash your face with lukewarm water and continue on with your normal skincare routine.

#4 You are scrubbing with physical exfoliators

Acne are physical wounds on your face that become aggravated when you use extremely harsh scrubs. Physical exfoliators make your skin more vulnerable and can lead to a higher risk of moving that infection around to other parts of your face.

Solution: Switch to AHA and BHA products, such as our Kale-Lalu-yAHA, which can be much more gentle while still increasing your cell turnover rate.


#5 You are using sensitizing products

In today’s day and age, we’re all guilty of wanting to try every new product that comes to market, but truth is, you are probably switching between too many products and making your skin sensitive and prone to breakouts.

Solution: If you feel like your skin is always inflamed, stay away from these harsh ingredients such as:
- Essential oils (fragrance oils such as lavender, lemon, citrus oils)
- Fragrance
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
- Products that are drying

No one knows your skin better than you, so be sure to pay attention to how it reacts to the application of products old or new and customize a routine that works perfectly for you!