Our 2020 Year in Review

Hey, this is Liah, the founder and the CEO of KraveBeauty. It took (only) 3 years to send out our first annual letter where we discuss the company’s highlights, challenges and our learnings of this year. Like other companies who have shareholders they are held accountable to, we consider YOU to be the most important stakeholder of our brand. The intention is to invite you, a valuable stakeholder of our company into our and/or my headspace. I hope this brings you more clarity of what we care about the most and where we stand in the industry.
To set our expectations straight, I don’t talk about products in this letter. If you’re wanting more product info, updates, and skincare how-to’s, our Instagram is a great source. If you ever want to talk to us, we’re always available through hello@kravebeauty.com, and you’ll be greeted by our awesome customer representative, Jisoo.
Here, I thought it’d be more meaningful to talk about deeper things: Why we exist, what we care, and how we’re going about creating change. In this letter (which eventually became a report, not gonna lie) will walk you through some small to big topics such as...
- Slow Down Skincare in the Hyper-consumerism World
- The uncomfortable truth we learned about inherent racism in the beauty industry
- Our sustainability journey: what we’ve tried, failed and learned.
- Our HR resource allocation: how we aim to do it better
- Our philanthropic effort
- One question I’m embedding on my mind moving forward
I hope this will spark new conversations digitally and serve to deepen our relationship. Something more than just a company (us) and a customer (you), but maybe something like an ally that shares the same vision.
Whether you read this letter or not, I still want to celebrate you for closing this year strong. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your 2020.
You can check out the letter here: Our 2020 Year In Review